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 Real Estate Pricing

0000 - 2499 Sq Ft ........................  $150
2500 - 3999 Sq Ft ........................  $200
4000 - 6999 Sq Ft ........................  $250
7000+ Sq Ft           ........................  $300

180 Degree Video Tour  .............  $75

Twilight Shoot   (additional)........  $100

All Properties receive 1-2 fully edited images of each room, including front and rear of property  (when available), as well as other distinguishing features. Average 25-35 images

based on property size.


Product only


Included with each shoot: on disk, 1 edited image of each product on white background for easy ad editing.

  1 to 3   Products .......................................... $75
  4 to 8   Products .......................................... $75
  9 to 12 Products .......................................... $75
13 to 20 Products .......................................... $75
20+   Call For more information


Designed Product Ad


Included: Product shoot, up to 3 edited images of product(s) on a fully Designed ad, product information and pricing.

  Call us with details for custom quote


     Bands and singers need both Editorial Portraits and Concert coverage, and our musical appreciation package is where we crank up the amps!


      Included is this package is not one but two seperate shoots. One Editorial shoot to create facial recognition with your fans, or use for a record cover. The second shoot covers one local gig to show off your stage presence to potential labels or establishments.


Musical appreciation package 

         Includes: ............................... $275

1 editorial portrait image on disk


 up to 5 edited images from concert

                       on disk

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